First, what is the origin of the word African? Did "Africans" call themselves Africans? What is the origin of the term Negro? What physical features are necessary to make a Negro and/or African? Since all human forms of life began in Africa, are White People descendants of Black People? Are they bleached Africans? There are many things to consider if we believe in the evolution of mankind or the theory of creation. Yet, there are a few unanswered questions to consider before we call all "Blacks" African. "Scientific" proof has been given and shows us that Africa is the home of the original man (the primordial man, Adam and Eve, first inhabitants, etc.) and it has been argued that all mankind originated in Africa and that these Islanders are indeed African. Australia, New Guinea, Andaman Islands, Phillipine Islands, Pacific Islands, Melanesia, New Zealand and many other parts of the world were people considered "Black" but not of African descent. The majority of the oppressed were people of African descent in foreign countries, but many were oppressed in their own native homelands.

Marcus Garvey had a vision of a United African People with one President, under one government to represent all Black People but there was one small concern. Africa, Australia, South America, Cuba, America, the Carribean Islands, Melanesia and wherever there were Black people, there was daring acts of White Supremacy. It had only been fifty years since Africans were freed from slavery in this country and European dominance was unchecked throughout the civilized world. His idea of a great nation of Black people with a power base and government in Africa has yet to be realized and that is not all he wanted. Marcus Garvey travelled throughout the world and everywhere he went, he witnessed the oppression of the darker peoples by the Caucasian race. Marcus Garvey was the MAN! Garvey founded the UNIA in 1914 and had a program, a plan, and a method to unite the oppressed and scattered peoples of African descent. The purpose of this article is to shed a little light on why Negro is used in our organization's name: The Universal Negro Improvement Association.